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Do you believe in COINCIDENCE?

Do you believe in COINCIDENCE?
What about weird COINCIDENCE?
Here are some that youll have to read twice before you believe its real!

Hitler and Napoleon were defeated 129 years apart.

They declared a war 129 years apart in Russia.

They came into power also 129 years apart.

And they were both born… 129 years apart.

American Novelist Anne Parrish, in the 1920s, found one of her favorite childhood book, In Paris while browsing bookstore.

And she told it to her husband and showed him. Telling him how she really loved that book when she was a child. And then he saw a flyleaf inscription that read:


Yeah… It was her book. 

Nebraska, in west side Baptist Church in Beatrice, They always held a choir practice 7:20pm sharp on Wednesdays evenings.

On March, 1, 1950 due to natural gas leak the church exploded at 7:27pm.

Not one soul harmed, miraculously. Because the choir director and all the 15 members were all late that evening.

On the night of September 29, 1888, around 8:30 pm, Catherine Eddowes was arrested.
And sobered enough to go home. Upon leaving a fake name Mary Kelly, to the cops.

 On September 30th Early morning, the ripper murdered her.
And there was more, she’s not the last one. 


In 2002, there was a 70 years old man and was struck and killed a lorry while attempting to cross the highway with his bicycle. 600 kilometers north of Helsinki.

And 1.5 kilometers away, 600 kilometers North of Helsinki, There was a 70 year old man killed by a lorry,
While attempting to cross on a bicycle in a highway.

And they were brothers. IDENTICAL TWINS.

There were only two cars in the state of Ohio in 1895, what a coincidence?
They crashed into each other.

During the construction of the HOOVER DAM. It was December 20, 1922 The First one to Die is J.G. TIERNEY. 13 years after and it was Dec. 20, 1935 the last one to die is PATRICK TIERNEY. And he was the son of J.G TIERNEY.

The South African astronomer Danie du Toit at the age of 49, He was giving a lecture warning that anytime death could come. While concluding his speech, he popped a peppermint.
He sat down and choked promptly death on candy.


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