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A post on a social media of a mother is heartbreaking, her son is a victim of bullying.

On Friday afternoon, December 29, 2017, this world lost the brightest and most loving soul while heaven gained the most beautiful angel. My youngest son, Kyler Alan Lucas, at just 12 years old chose to turn his life over to the Lord to ease his extreme pain from bullying at school.

I will now & forever be without my baby, my Kyler Bug, my Ky Ky, my tender heart and I can’t bear the thought. My sweet sweet boy was suffering an unbearable pain in silence and I couldn’t help him because I didn’t know. I couldn’t see....

I am in agony for myself and my family and our incredible loss. I ache for his friends that have lost his bright light in their lives and the world that will never know his great big heart and warm smile. I would hurriedly give up everything I own just to hold him one more time and kiss him and tell him it will all be ok. I love him so very completely and always will. I don’t know how to breathe without him here with me. I feel so much pain for what he must have been feeling and had no one to help him through. I’d have fought the world to the death had I known.....why didn’t he come to me? Why couldn’t I see it?

I can’t stop crying or imagine another minute without my boy. I just keep closing my eyes and hoping and praying that when I open my eyes it will all have been just an excruciating dream and my sweet boy will still be here. What can I promise to God to make him rewind time and give me another chance to help my sweet boy...what deal can I make with the devil... I need my baby so much and the pain just doesn’t stop for a single minute, ever. I try to live in the good memories but right now they are the ones that haunt me the most, reminding me of what I crave so much and can never have back. I miss him so much. I just want him back in my arms.

I can’t breathe, I can’t eat, and sleeping is the only peace I get because then I can see him and hold him. Being awake is the worst pain I’ve ever felt.

And I can’t bear to explain it or talk about it with anyone, so please don’t ask questions I can’t answer.

The only thing I want or need in this world right now is my son and you can’t give him back to me so please do not ask me if there is anything you can do for me.

I greatly appreciate everyone’s support and love during this time for me and my family and one day I hope to be able to thank you, but right now I can’t even see you through the tears. Please try to understand. It isn’t you.

Kris M. Huntley

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