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How Energy Drinks really works with your body?

There are lots of people used to drink energy drinks, but do you know? how it really works with your body?

It really works with your body when needed, as it name implies to. it can give you burst extra energy.

And the side effects of it?

There are many reasons why a person use to drink some energy drinks.

When we are tired of work and we really feel exhausted, when we feel that kind of feeling our body is lack of oxygen that rich in blood. that is why we feel weak and tired. the common causes of anemia is iron deficiency and it also includes during heavy periods.

But the risks of energy drinks includes: Caffeine overdose, that can lead to a nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, palpitations, convulsions, and in some reported cases even death.

Caffeine the effects of it  is to block adenosine, a brain chemical that helps you sleep.
That is why if we drink energy drinks or too much caffeine it will lead to insomnia.

And there was a recent German study, and it was found out that healthy people often drink caffeine or an energy drinks, increases the heart rate an hour.

Well expert also believe it is safe healthy adults to drink or consume up to 400ml a day- a venti or 20 ounces of Starbucks coffee daily.

But most importantly a natural rest and sleep is much better with our body.

Instead of drinking energy drink? replace it with a plenty of water or a Fresh milk.

These are the natural ways of how to replenish and help your body to re-energized.

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