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Reasons and list of Countries were abortion is a 100% Legal

Abortion was actually existed even since on ancient times.
(Abortifacients) was found being amongst the wide variety of the tribal people in almost al of the written sources.

In England there was a common law that the abortion is illegal at any time after of the quickening or when the time that the fetus has a movements.
In an English law the abortion is not treated as murder.

In some Western Country in the 20th Century has begun of the abortion law to codify.

But in the 21st Century, some of many Countries liberize the abortion laws.
At least when it is for to protect a woman’s life, but in some cases it is performed by request.

And as of today there are some debates in Legalizing Abortion.
And here’s the list of the Countries were Abortion is a 100% LEGAL

And the reason why? Just scroll it down.

·         Canada, United States (North America)

·         Mexico (North America)

·         Australia (Australasia, State by state Varies)

·         Guyana, Uruguay (South America)

·         Cuba (Caribbean)

·         Austria, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Belgium (Western Europe)

·         Albania , Republic of Macedonia, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Montenegro, Italy, Croatia, Kosovo , Slovenia, Serbia (Southern Europe)

·         Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Denmark, and Lithuania (Northern Europe)

·         Moldova, Romania, Belarus, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Russian Federation, Slovakia (Eastern Europe)

·         Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia and Armenia ( Western Asia)

·         Singapore, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Southeast Asia)

·         Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Nepal ,Turkmenistan, And Tajikistan (South Asia)

·         Mongolia, China and North Korea (East Asia)

·         Cape Verde (Southern Africa)

·         Tunisia (North Africa)

·         Mozambique (East Africa)

The reasons of those countries why they had to legalize Abortion.

1.       To save a woman’s life

2.       To preserve a woman’s physical heath

3.       To preserve a woman’s mental health

4.       In cases of rape or an incest

5.       Because of foetal impairment

6.       For economic or Social Reason

7.       By request

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