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They can't afford to consult a vet |Used oil poured to this Dog and then this is what happened

His owner said they have tried almost everything just to save this Dog's life.
And the last thing came to their mind, is to pour used oil to his body.
Because someone told them that used oil can cure the dog.

Many people was touched about the story of this Dog named Bruno.
It started when a concern citizen post a photo of Bruno.

Post of Rodelyn Llorico

My mom used to tell me "It's better to give than to receive." I always have this in mind  and in practice despite not having alot to spare because I know it makes a difference to anyone I encounter.

Meet Bruno, an abused, neglected labrador I saw on a post by a concern citizen Mr. Rey Orgasan. A lot have read it and started to rant, I couldn't stand another minute of reading more comments so, I got in touch with Mr. Rey and initiated the rescue.
Thankfully, the dog was hand over to us peacefully although I wanted to file a case against the owner we had to cool down and let it go for now for the sake of getting him out of that hell he was in.
We only had our personal money and the hope that those who have been sending comments will help us out in anyway they could and yes some sent their assistance by coming there to help us, someone promised to provide a cage for him, one will shoulder the blood chem.
Mr. Rey, his brother and I only gave him what we can offer for now.
But Bruno was so abused that a bacterial infection took over his body that makes him need more medication specially antibiotics.

I thank the Lord for giving Mr. Rey such a heart of gold. And for touching more people to help us out.

The savior of Bruno

For the Sake of Saving Bruno

It's been a long day for me. I started my day with a prayer hoping that God will give me wisdom and give me the right choice of words in order to resolve Bruno's case.
I also prayed for everyone who's involve to be calm and give each other the benefit of the doubt.
Thankfully,everything was resolved and talked about for the sake of Bruno's recovery.
No Tulfo, complaint and more ranting needed because Bruno's owner acknowledged that there was somehow a neglect on their part due to some financial difficulties because of a medical a condition , the owner just had to prioritize his children's life. But that wouldn't mean they never cared at all.
They had BRUNO for 7 years and he just started feeling sick in 2017 after he was gone for a day.  They fed and bathe him, as in took care of him even brought him to the vet but somehow all those were not enough to fully heal and help Bruno out.
Thanks to Sir Rey Orgasan because he posted and helped me rescue Bruno from his current estate, but a lot of people started ranting and saying profane words,  some are even cursing and threathning the onwer which was definitely unnecessary for a case like this.  That resulted to a big misunderstand and somehow cyber bullying that we could've prevented to happen if only we chose to help and act on it instead of bursting our emotions.
Because of those, everything have gotten worst until I met them today. I sincerely apologized in behalf of everyone who bashed the Reyes'but also explained that those were just burst of emotions. And to be honest, they accepted and forgave despite the fact that it was traumatic for the children. They did it for the sake Bruno's wellness.
Rey Orgasan who also had a misunderstand with his neighbor humbled down and apologized, for the post did not come out right. Again, it was all because of emotion.

At the end of the day, Bruno's happy and everyone learned a lesson.

I am able to help resolve Bruno's case and is hoping for his fast recovery. It's a team effort now, Bruno will stay with Rey but his former owner can help and visit him. I, will make sure that all donations will be used for Bruno.

All those who donated and are willing to donate thank you.

Donations thru bpi.
300 bpi no name
300 bpi no name
500 LivCyclingPh Richelle
1000 Mr. Chun

We were supposed to use this money for blood chem and meds that we couldn't afford yesterday but one anonynous donor paid for The blood chem, 2 cans of dog food and 20 pcs of doxycylene. "Thanks Paws and Claws and the secret donor."

We might use this money to buy a cage or for his other needs. His food is prescribed canned food 190 per can.
Anything that we will buy will be posted...
Transportation by yours truly and some meds.
Rey labtest yesterday.

Thanks to Reyes Family for cordinating so well.
Let's all be happy for Bruno and avoid judging each other...


The Rescuer :)
Two of our fellow guardians came to help me negotiate, thanks to them too.
Anyone who's not personally there has no rights to say something bad to those who were there and took an effort for Bruno.

To God Be The Glory!

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