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Avengers Possible Ending that will give you reasons to think about!

Now that the Avengers Infinity War,has already Released and seen on half the Globe.Marvel Cinematic Fans has leave their minds,curious and Surprised on how the Movie Ended with a lot of superheroes dissolved or turned to ashes.

or fair to say Half of the Universe has been erased right After.The Mad Titan( THANOS) SNAPPED his fingers,using the Infinity Gauntlet with a complete Infinity stones on it.Just like that the movie Ended with Thanos Resting under a hut in a peaceful world that appears to be shot in the Philippines ( Banaue,Rice Terraces),exactly how he envisioned it.If you would Notice all the Original Members of the Avengers we're the ones who Remain Alive we cannot know for sure,because We don't know Exactly if all that were dissolved we're actually Dead so I Guess We have to wait exactly a year to know what really Happened.

More likely according to the Russo Brothers(Director of Avengers 3 I.W) The yet Untitled Avengers 4 will involved Time travel.If you haven't seen The infinity war yet.the following story would be Major Spoiler of the Movie

The Bros. Added that the title itself would Surprised Fans,and Could give an Idea on the plot of the story,that is why they kept it a secret even amongst actors..

In Infinity War,I Guess We all noticed the absence of our Favorite arrow guy(HAWKEYE) and Antman..In the Post Credit Scene of Avengers infinity war..We saw Nick Fury together with Maria hill went out of their Car to see Whats happening with people were panicking because Random humans were turning to ashes

As Nick Fury Saw Maria Hill dissolved..He hurriedly went back to his car to pick up a sort of communication device and before he turned to ashes too..he press the button sent..then The LOGO Of CAPTAIN MARVEL APPEARS on the Screen

So My Theory is that..Clearly the Reason why the original Avengers remain alive.and Doctor Strange bargain with Thanos to exchanged the Time stone to Spare Tony Starks life.Because Dr.Strange saw 14,000,605

Possible outcome or alternate ending but with only 1 out of that 14M + outcome,will the Avengers could win that is why he surrendered the time stone because Ironman would play a Significant Role to Beat Thanos.

Captain Marvel will be Introduced 3 months before avengers 4.She would play a big role on Beating thanos..along with Hawkeye..and A very Important role for Antman..I think Antman or Dr.Hank Pym figured out to travel via Quantum realm to go back in time..without the help of time stone

The Idea was for the Avengers and the rest of the Remaining Heroes Including war machine,Rocket,Nebula to travel back in time..The time when loki and the Chitauri attacked New York, 6 years ago.They will kill or Stop Thanos right there to Avoid Everything From Happening in the Future..How is this Possible?? All the Heroes will wear a sort of time or Quantum Realm travel device.on the back of their forearm

Or back of the palm of their right hand

Tony or Ironman will more likely to kill thanos or maybe Nebula or Thor

My Guess is The Avengers 4 title would either Avengers Annihilation or Avengers Infinity Gauntlet.

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