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New video technique can go- was that people have often debated

Humans- is the greatest creation living in this world. And as the time goes by. Lots of creative and helpful things was created by humans. That making our lives more comfortable and easy.  And as of today the leading and top of it was the cellphone. But lot of people also debating whether it has a good or bad in our lives?
Have you watch or experience once an actual demo of new invented gadget?

The Impressions that I would like to share with you  about what I have observed in the scientific Experimentations and facts on scratching the surface of exploration about how far yet that new video technique can go was that people have often debated whether technology is good or bad? Lots of people only believed that  technologies can only  cause to harm our lives and to our society, while many others strongly defend the technologies which have made their lives much more convenient in everyday leisurely and enriching than it could have been with the absence of technology. In my own opinion as I have observed and understand both of these views are correct to an extent, but I also believed that based on my life experiences about the efficiency of using technology such as cellphones, Laptop and cameras, it has limitations no matter how computer scientist work timeless and limitless in improving technology for humans to enjoy and use it regardless of their purpose.
 Many years ago, a lot of us cannot almost imagine the possibility of a cellphone camera, because it was a compound useful device works together in a single material only, but technology exponentially evolved and from there it change how the world thinks of far can technology and is there an end for upgrading these devices. 
 From what I have learned from the demonstration results of video and object experiments lead by computer scientist Abe Davis. Using High speed cameras, they came up with the ideas to experiments to answer the questions floating on their curious minds on how an object will react and all of the possibilities when they use a unique technique for capturing the most subtle imaging that is not visible for the human eyes. A software called motion microscope. This video and amplifies them so that they become large enough for us to see. Their objective was, what if we could capture the vibrations of sound and turn everything that we see into a microphone?
The experiments was quite ridiculous but end up with amazing results for the listeners and viewers they were all impressed by how these experiments conclude to the facts that all of they were expecting came into reality. The experiments also proved that the human eyes and mind are not reliable to decide, to distinguish all the difference can change the way we benefit from this new inventions of – In one of their experiments they accomplished something the process silent video, using the same software, It can hear a sound by means of recognizing the vibrations when it hits the target object. This newly discovered method can be used to spy on someone easily, you can hear voices, music and other forms of audio even the camera is pointing to the target with glass doors closed. Clearly I was convinced that the once we thought impossible might just be the beginning or a start of something big when it comes to discovery.
 This was my impression and I Think Dr.Abe and I were on the same page that great inventions or High notch Software, such as the one he recited can Either be used for the Good of Mankind or Evil in a way,it can be abused by corrupt authorities,the likes of invading privacy,spying on government..hacking..etc.Even though It was intended or made to benefit in a good way.

Thank you and you can also share your thoughts about this topic.

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